A Case of Vas Deferens Lesion with Features of Vasitis Nodosa and Mesothelial Proliferations Case presentation



The Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology (ISSN: 2161-0681) deals with research on infectious disorders associated with immune system and immunological disorders, infectious diseases, treatment of infectious diseases, infectious medicine, epidemiology, diagnostic tests of infectious diseases, infection control, pathophysiology, clinical pathology , preventive medicine. Clinical Pathology deals with patient care, diagnostic services, novel treatments and research on immune infections.

Clinical history

The patient is a 25-year old African American male married with

two kids, who underwent a vasectomy in March of 2017. Subsequently,

he and his wife desired to have children. He was counseled on options

including vasovasostomy versus microsurgical epididymal sperm

aspiration/testicular sperm aspiration with in vitro fertilization. The

patient and his wife elected for a vasovasostomy in September of

2019. Intraoperative findings included bilateral segments of atretic

vas deferens, spermatic granuloma on the left and clear fluid from

the testicular end of the vas which demonstrates lack of sperm under

microscope. Semen analysis was scheduled for approximately 6 weeks

to 2 months post operation.



In conclusion, we report for the first time a case of morphologically

typical vasitis nodosa expressing mesothelial markers. Electron

microscopy may be useful in confirming or eliminating the mesothelial

nature of the proliferating cells in these lesions.

On the occasion of its 10 years, Successful Journey, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology decided to provide a partial waiver on its article processing charges to promote quality research from across the nations of the globe to encourage the latest research in the field of Infections, Diseases and Medicine. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology also planning to release a special issue on its new approaches.


Robert Solomon

Editorial office

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology

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