


Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography is an international open access journal which is celebrating 10th Anniversary , publishing the quality peer-reviewed research articles relevant to the field of Environmental Sciences.

As our journal has completed 10 years we are celebrating 10th anniversary we have announced almost 50 percent discount on article processing charge to commemorate its 10th Anniversary so we are inviting eminent researches,fellowmans, science students, scientists for the submission of their valuable,innovative articles which would be helpful to our journal publication in forth coming issue( volume10, issue 1) .

We would like to invite eminent researches to write a paper or short commentaries on the below discussed topics which would be helpful for the readers for their information

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The cytoskeleton is a complex, dynamic network of interlinking protein filaments present in the cytoplasm of all cells, including bacteria and archaea. It extends from the cell nucleus to the cell membrane and is composed of similar proteins in the various organisms. In eukaryotes, it is composed of three main components, microfilamentsintermediate filaments and microtubules, and these are all capable of rapid growth or disassembly dependent on the cell's requirements.

A multitude of functions can be performed by the cytoskeleton. Its primary function is to give the cell its shape and mechanical resistance to deformation, and through association with extracellular connective tissue and other cells it stabilizes entire tissues. The cytoskeleton can also contract, thereby deforming the cell and the cell's environment and allowing cells to migrate. Moreover, it is involved in many cell signaling pathways and in the uptake of extracellular material (endocytosis), the segregation of chromosomes during cellular division, the cytokinesis stage of cell division, as scaffolding to organize the contents of the cell in space and in intracellular transport (for example, the movement of vesicles and organelles within the cell) and can be a template for the construction of a cell wall.Furthermore, it can form specialized structures, such as flagellacilialamellipodia and podosomes. The structure, function and dynamic behavior of the cytoskeleton can be very different, depending on organism and cell type. Even within one cell, the cytoskeleton can change through association with other proteins and the previous history of the network.

Journal Impact Factor 0.02* ; 1.5* (5 Year Journal Impact Factor)

Accepted manuscripts submitted before the deadline will be published within the given timeframe for the respective journal publication.




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Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography