


Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography is an international open access journal which is celebrating 10th Anniversary , publishing the quality peer-reviewed research articles relevant to the field of Environmental Sciences.

As our journal has completed 10 years we are celebrating 10th anniversary we have announced almost 50 percent discount on article processing charge to commemorate its 10th Anniversary so we are inviting eminent researches,fellowmans, science students, scientists for the submission of their valuable,innovative articles which would be helpful to our journal publication in forth coming issue( volume10, issue 1) .

We would like to invite eminent researches to write a paper or short commentaries on the below discussed topics which would be helpful for the readers for their information

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An earthworm is a terrestrial invertebrate that belongs to the order Opisthopora. They exhibit a tube-within-a-tube body plan, are externally segmented with corresponding internal segmentation, and usually have setae on all segments. They occur worldwide where soil, water, and temperature allow.Earthworms are commonly found in soil, eating a wide variety of organic matter. This organic matter includes plant matter, living protozoarotifersnematodesbacteriafungi, and other microorganisms. An earthworm's digestive system runs the length of its body. It respires through its skin. It has a double transport system made of coelomic fluid that moves within the fluid-filled coelom and a simple, closed circulatory system. It has a central and peripheral nervous system. Its central nervous system consists of two ganglia above the mouth, one on either side, connected to a nerve running along its length to motor neurons and sensory cells in each segment. Large numbers of chemoreceptors concentrate near its mouth. Circumferential and longitudinal muscles edging each segment let the worm move. Similar sets of muscles line the gut, and their actions move digesting food toward the worm's anus.

Earthworms are hermaphrodites: each carries male and female sex organs. As invertebrates, they lack a true skeleton, but maintain their structure with fluid-filled coelom chambers that function as a hydrostatic skeleton.

"Earthworm" is the common name for the largest members of Oligochaeta (which is a class or subclass depending on the author). In classical systems, they were in the order Opisthopora, since the male pores opened posterior to the female pores, although the internal male segments are anterior to the female. Theoretical cladistic studies have placed them in the suborder Lumbricina of the order Haplotaxida, but this may soon change. Folk names for the earthworm include "dew-worm", "rainworm", "nightcrawler", and "angleworm" (from its use as fishing bait).

Journal Impact Factor 0.02* ; 1.5* (5 Year Journal Impact Factor)

Accepted manuscripts submitted before the deadline will be published within the given timeframe for the respective journal publication.




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Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography