Impact of Speech and language Difficulties

The Journal of Speech Pathology and Therapy is successfully running in the 5th Volume which covers a wide variety of specialties including Autism Speech Therapy, Bilingual Speech pathology, Clinical Linguistics and Speech Therapy reaching out to analytical scientists worldwide. The Journal emphasizes high-level research and education. Original research articles, reviews, short communications, and letters to the editors in the fields of speech pathology and therapy are welcome. Every effort is made to have a speedy and critical peer-review process.
The impacts of speech, language and communication difficulties in childhood are significant and potentially lasting. Speech therapy might not be able to prevent these impacts for all children but we can minimise them as much as possible by giving children the support and skills they need.
Here we give you a brief summary of the known impacts of speech, language and communication difficulties in children’s lives. This list can be daunting and depressing for some parents but it highlights the importance of accessing a good Speech Pathologist as soon as possible to help your child develop.
Sometimes parents don’t fully understand the impacts of their child’s difficulties which means they don’t prioritise therapy amongst the other many demands of life as a parent, not because they aren’t good parents but just because they don’t understand the significance of the problem. This list will explain that significance.It has been estimated that between 16 and 21% of five year olds experience speech or language difficulties, with up to 50% of these children have problems in both areas
Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) have difficulties with social and behavioural development (Redmond & Rice, 1998). This might be due to frustration, social rejection by other children and a lack of self-confidence associated with their communication difficulties. Poor interaction can lead to more withdrawal behaviour and poor self-esteem over time as some studies have found this to be more of a problem for older children with language difficulties. Early language impairment has been clearly associated with academic difficulties continuing through to adulthood.
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Annie Foster
Assistant Editorial Manager
Journal of Speech Pathology and Therapy
Whatsapp No: +1-504-608-2390