Tooth Impaction


An impacted tooth is one that fails to erupt into the dental arch within the expected developmental window. Because impacted teeth do not erupt, they are retained throughout the individual's lifetime unless extracted or exposed surgically. Teeth may become impacted because of adjacent teeth, dense overlying bone, excessive soft tissue or a genetic abnormality. Most often, the cause of impaction is inadequate arch length and space in which to erupt. That is the total length of the alveolar arch is smaller than the tooth arch (the combined mesiodistal width of each tooth). The wisdom teeth (third molars) are frequently impacted because they are the last teeth to erupt in the oral cavity. Mandibular third molars are more commonly impacted than their maxillary counterparts.

Some dentists believe that impacted teeth should be removed except, in certain cases, canine teeth: canines may just remain buried and give no further problems, thus not requiring surgical intervention. However, removal of asymptomatic, pathology-free, impacted teeth isn't a medical consensus: watchful monitoring may be a more prudent and cost-effective strategy and make the future placement of a dental implant through such impacted tooth a feasible approach Erupted teeth that are adjacent to impacted teeth are predisposed to periodontal disease. Since the most difficult tooth surface to be cleaned is the distal surface of the last tooth, in the presence of an impacted tooth there is always gingival inflammation around the second molar that is invariably present. Even this minor amount of inflammation can provide bacteria access to a larger portion of the root surface that result in early formation of periodontitis compromising the tooth. Even in situations in which no obvious communication exists between the mouth and the impacted third molar there may be enough communication to initiate dental caries (tooth decay). Impacted teeth might be extracted or left alone, depending on the dentist (and the health authority's guidelines in that country) and the situation. Extraction might be contraindicated and might be simple or surgical, often depending on the location of the teeth. Most commonly the individual complains of food getting lodged beneath the gums and a soreness that is usually confused with throat infections. In slightly milder forms a swelling is visible and mouth opening becomes difficult in severe cases. Pain is invariably present.

An impacted tooth occupies space that is usually filled with bone. This weakens that area of bone and renders the jaw more susceptible to fracture. Occasionally, an impacted tooth causes sufficient pressure on the roots of adjacent teeth causing it to resorb When impacted teeth are retained completely within the alveolar process, the associated follicular sac is also retained along with it. Though in most persons the dental follicle maintains its original size sometimes it may undergo cystic degeneration and become a dentigerous cyst or a keratocyst.

In some cases, for aesthetic purposes, a surgeon may wish to expose the canine. This may be achieved through open or closed exposure. Studies show no advantage of one method over another. Laser can be used to uncover superficially impacted teeth with no bleeding and quick recovery.

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Sarah eve

Editorial Assistant

Journal of Oral Hygiene and Health